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A Record of William J. Hickey Co D 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment in WWII

A relative of Mr. William Hickey reached out searching for information about his WWII time.  He had contacted NARA in St. Louis at one point and was told once again that all of his records had been lost in the fire.  I'm not sure why NARA keeps telling people this for almost 50 years now.  The following narrative are all drawn from Reports that were not lost in the 1973 fire.

William Hickey was drafted into the Army and became active February 2, 1943.  Basic Training was 17 weeks then 8 weeks at Fort Benning to become a Paratrooper.  9 July 1944 he arrived in Company D 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment.   Next are the Payroll Records for Co D between July 1944 to December 1943 along with the 507th Boots and Wings Yearbook that has his photograph.   

Private Hickey then shows up on the 507th Manifest for his Jump into Normandy 6 June 1944.  Pvt Hickey was wounded in Normandy 15 June 1944.  He received his Combat Infantryman's Badge as well.  Pvt Hickey returns to Co D July and goes on Furlough 25 July 1944.  These are both a Map and the After Action Reports for Normandy for the 507th.  

The 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment was transferred from the 82nd Airborne Division to the 17th Airborne Division August 1944.  Retroactive to 19 July, 1944 Pvt Hickey is promoted to Pfc along with 27 other Co D men.  

The next battle for the 507th Prcht Inf would be the Battle Of Bulge.  There was After Actions Reports for the 507th in the Bulge as well.

Hickey The next Battle for the 507th Prcht Inf of the 17th Abn Div and Private First Class was Operation Varsity the Jump into Germany 24 March 1945.  Pfc William J. Hickey went TD (Temporary Duty) to Headquarters and Headquarters and was wounded 29 March 1944 losing a leg.  There were Reports for the time period Pfc Hickey was wounded.

This shows that records NARA in St. Louis claims were destroyed in the 1973 fire are incorrect.  Yes, some were lost but as you can see here they can be rebuilt to a degree.


Brian N. Siddall
March 7, 2021


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