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Facts, Figures and Stolen Valor
Yet another Stain...

It is What It Was
The Ultimate in Stolen Valor

Disgusting Beyond Belief


A Story Right "Outta" Hollywood

I’ve heard some rumblings...

Yet Another Cali Fake Popped Up!

No one likes Fakes and Liars

The Lies Just Keep on a Comin'
Murray "the Liar" Moonhatch

Any (Jack) Port in a Storm?
Stolen Valor San Diego Style

Our Very Own Stolen Valor “Hometown Hero”
Arnald Gabriel, disingenuous at its very best)

Really?  When is this going to stop? (NUTS!)

Nobuo (Bob) R. Izumi Wasn't In Bastogne in '44 ...  


Polito M. Olivas is not who appears to be
Yet Another Sad Chapter ...


Mark Bando Lied         

Remember that Bando said ...

Yet Another Not In Normandy  

George Hash wasn't in Normandy


Corruption at the ABMC again?

Fraud at the ABMC

A mini-Plumley at Benning    

Another Sad day at Ft Benning

Lied about being in Normandy to his family and the world now

Another lied in Normandy 101st Man


In the service but lied about which unit

Eugene Cook (Had lied for years)

Cook had lied for years

Howard Manoian (Had lied for years)

Poster Child for Liars and Fakes

Irving J. Schwartz

Stole another man’s history

In the service and in unit but wore fake awards, lied about Branch of Service

Basil Plumley (Lies below)

All of the Plumley Articles Together

Lied about being in Normandy but in either earlier or later campaigns

Maynard Beamesderfer (Not in Normandy or Holland)

Why Did He Lie?

Since at least 2005 Gehrett passed himself off as being in Normandy

Stolen Valor Again
Wilson Colwell (Wasn’t in Normandy. 

Lied to the President of the United States of American

Raymond Defer

Raymond Defer yet another Normandy Liar

Leo Dumouchelle

Lied about Award of the CIB and wasn’t in Normandy


Louis Horn

Wasn’t in Normandy

Adelchi Pilutti

Wasn’t in Normandy

Lied about what type of wounds

Leif Maseng (Frozen Feet)

The Frozen Feet Hero!

Lied on his Headstone Inscription

Delaney Mongold

Lied when filling out headstone before his death

Lied about his exploits

Robert Murphy

Lied about time in combat and in his book


Writers who have lied (In order of Importance)
Stephen Ambrose

Stephen Ambrose (A writer of Fiction)

Dennis Hevesi New York Times

Plumley Obituary almost completely fake

Lt Gen Bolger (Ret)

Lied in Army Magazine

Joseph Galloway 

Galloway's and his collection of lies

Timothy Nosal at the ABMC

Lied about whether the ABMC can change a Headstone

Renea Yates at the ANC

Lied about documentation in connection with the Durning incident

Timothy Davis and the Greatest Generation Website

Lied about Colwell and about where the Foundation was located

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