Our Very
Own Stolen Valor “Hometown Hero”

(Arnald Gabriel, disingenuous at its
very best)
Why does someone who has a stellar career in
the Army/Air Force have to lie? I’m not a
shrink so I can’t answer that question. Ego
maybe? Colonel Arnald D. Gabriel (Retired)
is the latest addition to the seemingly never-ending soldiers who
have lied about being in
Normandy on June 6, 1944. He has brought
Stolen Valor to a whole new level of
He didn’t have to lie,
that’s the sad part. He was in heavy combat
from October 16, 1944 on. Two of his good
friends were killed right next to him in
January 1945.
Gabriel says this “I
recall that sometime in the early 2000s, I
noticed associations between my service in
the 29th Infantry Division and the landing
on Omaha Beach on D-Day.” Do you want to
know why? I can tell you why, because he
lied on tape.
Lies on Tape for Gabriel from the American
Veterans Center and from the DOD
From D-Day To Destiny.
Gabriel released a
statement today July 11, 2019. In the
statement he says this “inaccurate
This wasn’t “inaccurate
information.” He lied about the lie. There
are interviews saying he was on Omaha Beach
right from the horse’s mouth. He is trying
to salvage his reputation but that ship has
He lied to his son
who wrote a book about his career. Gabriel
then says this from his statement “However,
I did not know how to go about correcting
this information on the internet and in
print.” Maybe not lying to the world might
have helped.
Over the past two years
two other men were outed as not being in
Normandy. They took the most honorable way
and admitted they lied, but not Gabriel.
Even in his statement he doesn’t mention
he left the US September 11, 1944 and
arrived in Europe September 19, 1944.
From the articles I
have read and listened to he has a few
French awards as well. Problem is that he
never fought in France (or Holland for that
He came into Co I of the 175th
Infantry Regiment of the 29th Infantry
Division October 16, 1944. By that time the
29th Infantry was fighting in Germany.
Gabriel conducted a
band on June 6, 2019 on Omaha Beach, the
ultimate insult to the men who fought and
died there that day. He took the glory from
the men who were there and put it on
There will be some who
defend what he’s done. This is how far our
country has fallen when people try to defend
someone like Gabriel who dishonored Omaha
Beach on the 75th Anniversary.
Please go right ahead and defend someone who
lied. It’s what we are all about now
anyway. Honor doesn’t matter now, just “I
want to be famous too” mentality.
This hit very close to
home for Upstate New Yorkers as Gabriel grew
up in Cortland, New York before the war and went to Ithaca
College after the war.
I've never dealt
directly with a Stolen Valor recipient
before. It was disturbing to say the
least. When people are exposed like this
it’s not very becoming is it? Here is the
last email I sent to Mr. Gabriel pm July 2,
Mr. Gabriel,
You are trying to blame
this on me? I didn’t even know you until 2
days ago. Someone reached out to me and
wanted more information about your time in
the Army.
(The "Someone" is
Joseph Balkoski, the 29th Infantry Division
I reached out to you by
email and you called and were very
defensive. That told me right there that I
was on the right track.
Here are two links
about men in your position and how they
dealt with it. These two men were called
out by other researchers in 2017 and
Any explanation besides
the truth is a complete waste of time.
This is going to come
out one way or another, if not by me then
most likely by the people who requested this
There is no need for
further communication as the facts speak for
themselves, even if you won’t.
Then on July 11, 2019 I
receive an email from a Ms. Lisi a Publicist
in the D.C. area;
“Mr. Siddall -
Below and
please find a statement Colonel Arnald D.
Gabriel has issued regarding a discrepancy
in his military background. Col Gabriel's
family asks that you please refrain from
contacting him at any time in the future. if
you have any questions please feel free to
contact me and I can share them with the
Gabriel Family.
Thank You,
Chris Lisi”
Here is my response to
Ms. Lisi;
To Ms. Lisi,
I know what you do for
a living and that your job is to “massage
the truth.” This wasn’t “inaccurate
information” it was an outright lie by
Gabriel. Please, if you haven’t already
watched it you can go to the link below. It
will show at 6:25 where his lies start and
then went on for minutes.
Lies on Tape for Gabriel from the American
Veterans Center and from the DOD
From D-Day To Destiny.
In a way, even worse is
that he disparages other men from his
Company by saying some of them screamed for
their mother at 9:45 and ran away from the
Your email was almost
comical except you are trying to tarnish my
reputation by saying the family said please
don’t contact him again. I told Gabriel in
no certain terms via email to not contact me
again. That was done on July 2, 2019 at
1:09 p.m. He obviously doesn’t listen
because he and his family used you to
contact me once again.
A larger article is
coming out about him in the next few days,
so keep your eyes peeled for that. The one
from last night was just the most basic
information explanation about what he did
and didn't do in WWII.
Brian N. Siddall
(I did leave off one
paragraph for privacy reasons)
In the end he lied.
Brian N. Siddall
July 11, 2019
(Updated July 13, 2019)