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Somebody's getting Covid in their stocking this year it seems

And somebody did, Jack Hamlin now has Covid-19, the gift that keeps on giving until the people around them die.

If you look at the Liberty Jump Team timeline they talk about a Paratrooper who had just died of Covid and yet what do they do?  Bring 9 men to one of the most infected parts of the USA.  They don't wear masks and sit right next to these men.  

This weekend December 12th and 13th they really did it, they brought 9 WWII Veterans to Tejas.  Attached are photos of the event.  It seems in Texas no one cares about the WWII vets.  They do care about having their own pics taken with a veteran who has cancer and is one of the ones that is most likely to get it and refuses to wear a mask.  How about all of the pics being autographed?  I wonder what's going to happen to those signed posters?       

They were in the Dallas area which is covered with the Covid.  Masks are very rare and that means if even one person has it, it will spread like wildfire with these people pictured.  As a bonus they will be taking it home.

In this picture the three men in the foreground are are wearing a mask but no distancing for the two on the left.  The other people?  In the back three people not a masks at all and another one looking down without one.  Why care about WWII Vets right?

The one that is just as bad if not worse is a woman in the plane without a mask standing right be one of the vets.  What is the thinking process down in Texas?  They just ain't that bright in that part of Texas.  In the same pic you will see some men who are wearing masks.  Those are adults, the people without?  Texas Toddlers and Okie Idiots.   

As mentioned in the early article below if any of those men get sick the people not wearing a mask should be charged with assault and if one dies?  Manslaughter at the very least.

With Texans lining up for food there is this;   

Walking The pLank

This shows what an American Toddler looks like.  Peter Plank is planning on taking WWII Veterans to Texas in December.
Make no mistake Peter Plank wants to take men in their 90s to Texas which is one of the most dangerous States for the CV-19. What kind of a thought process occurs when putting these men into harms way?
If any of these men die because of this Plank should be charged with manslaughter. Same goes for the organizations that are holding the event, Liberty Jump Team and Vintage Flying Museum.

American Toddlers all as they only care about themselves.  

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