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Still Time

General Benning was a slave holder and a Traitor to the United States of America and his name should be stricken from the Fort.  But why should Moore have even been considered at all as a replacement?    


Moore and Galloway’s first book out in 1992 was entitled We Were Soldiers Once and Young.  In one of the more well known photos in that book there is a picture of Moore in the middle with 5 other soldiers.  There were all named except for the man on the bottom left as you look at the photo.  Some found that rather odd at the time but most wrote it off as just laziness. 


When the movie came out in 2002 Moore became famous.  He and Galloway wrote another book We Are Soldiers Still in 2008 to cash in again.  In this book on the cover was the famous photo taken from the 1992 book that showed 5 soldiers with Moore in the middle, except now there were only 4 soldiers. 


But this time one of the soldiers was missing from the cover photo.  The unknown man on the bottom left was gone entirely now.  Read into that what you will but it seems that to avoid even the appearance of impropriety Hal Moore’s name shouldn’t have even been considered for any of the 9 Bases let alone picked for Fort Benning.


Moore had an obsession with George Custer who was killed in 1876 commanding Troops from the 7th Cavalry.  If you look the 7th Cavalry history they killed women and children in the Washita Massacre November 27, 1868 lead by Custer and then in 1890 the 7th Cavalry Regiment murdered 250 men, women and children. 


Please, reach out to Congress about this injustice as it seems that The Naming Commission didn’t do their due diligence in this case.  There still is time to correct this mistake. 


Below are the three photos mentioned in the article above.


Brian N. Siddall

August 31, 2022


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