January 2023 Normandy Soldier of the Day
Pvt Kenneth J. Auge Hq Co Div 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Donald W. Bergquiest Co F 313th Inf 79th
Inf Div
Pvt Wilfred F. Blaziek Co C 502nd Prcht Inf
101st Abn Div
Pvt Halley J. Crews MG Ammo Bearer 4th Sq MG
Plt Hq Co 1st Bn 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn
Pfc Willard F. Crisp Co I 358th Inf 90th Inf
Pfc Gordon W. Dotson Co G 16th Inf 1st Inf
S/Sgt Curtis E. Emory Co B 325th Gli Inf
82nd Abn Div
2nd Lt John C. Feeley Hq Co 2nd Bn 401st Gli
Inf atchd to 325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Carl L. Gnospelius Hq Co 1st Bn 506th
Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
T/5 Abelardo Gonzales Medic Hq 1st Plt Co H
505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div
Sgt Samuel F. Hodges Co E 12th Inf 4th Inf
S/Sgt Thomas K. Ingle Co M 358th Inf 90th
Inf Div
Pfc Raymond H. Joncas Co G 175th Inf 29th
Inf Div
T/5 Gene Kristie Hq Co I 506th Prcht Inf
atchd to 101st Abn Div
S/Sgt John C. Livengood Co E 8th Inf 4th Inf
Sgt Paul F. Milstea Mortar Sq Ldr 1st Plt Co
A 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
James E. Murray Jr. 1st Plt Co I 501st Prcht
Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
T/Sgt Richard E. Newton Co D 358th Inf 90th
Inf Div
Capt Bill E. Osbourn Co D 501st Prcht Inf
atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pfc Audie L. Presnell Jr. Co I 331st Inf
83rd Inf Div
Pvt Fred A. Quntana 330th Inf 83rd Inf Div
Sgt Ralph T. Rockenbach 1st Sq 3rd Plt Sq
Ldr Co B 307th Abn Engr Bn (C) 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Reuben J. Stack Co G 12th Inf 4th Inf
Sgt Daniel A. Steinbach Co A 502nd Prcht Inf
101st Abn Div
Pfc Townley F. Taylor Co G 505th Prcht Inf
82nd Abn Div
Pvt John R. Thompson 307th Abn Med Co 82nd
Abn Div
Pfc Harvey E. Unger 83rd Inf Div
Pfc Clarence R. Vinson Co C 505th Prcht Inf
82nd Abn Div
Pvt William Robert Wolf Co C 507th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Sgt Henry Yarsinske Co A 1st Med Bn 1st Inf
S/Sgt Clinton L. Zulauf Co A 175th Inf 29th
Inf Div
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