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September 2021 Normandy Soldier of the Day

Pfc Anthony A. Albano Co B 8th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pfc Riley C. Booth Co B 506th Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

T/5 William F. Brannen Co D 70th Tank Bn

Pvt Sam A. Crisciullo Co M 358th Inf 90th Inf Div

T/Sgt Donald D. Downs Supply Sergeant Co G 175th Inf 29th Inf Div

Pvt Albert R. Estes Co F 502nd Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div

Cpl Willis H. Fowler Co A 502nd Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div

Pvt Joseph J. Garcarz Co M 22nd Inf 4th Inf Div

Pvt Melvin L. Gennette Co C 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Paul L. Hutto Co B 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

S/Sgt Raymond C. Ice Co K 60th Inf 9th Inf Div

2nd Lt Leroy E. Jacobson Co E 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

Cpl James P. Knight Co F 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Pvt John E. Labbous Co K 137th Inf 25th Inf Div

Pfc Charles S. Moore Mortar Sq 2nd Plt Co C 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Clifford D. Murray Jr. Co L 16th Inf 1st Inf Div   Morning Report

S/Sgt James E. Nickerson 38th Inf 2nd Inf Div

Cpl John S. Olson Co C 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Otis B. Purvis Co I 358th Inf 90th Inf Div

Pfc Philip H. Quiroz 331st Inf 83rd Inf Div

Pfc Hillel Rosenthal Co C 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Cpl Richard A. Striegel Co C 502nd Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div

S/Sgt Charles F. Sumner III 475th Eng Maint Co

Pvt Jimmie Trevino Co I 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Sgt Joseph Urich 391st Armd FA Bn 3rd Armd Div

Pvt George T. Vathis Co G 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

2nd Lt John Walas Co E 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Dudley M. Williams Btry A 320th Gli FA Bn 82nd Abn Div

Cpl Peter J. Yalch 113th FA Bn 30th Inf Div

Pfc Cedric Zakarian Hq Co 1st Bn 502nd Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div

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