November 2020 Normandy Soldier of the Day
Pfc Walter A. Amann Jr. Co G 12th Inf 4th
Inf Div
T/5 Salvatore S. Arnone Co A 12th Inf 4th
Inf Div
S/Sgt Donald E. Beers Communications
Sergeant Hq Co 3rd Bn 508th Prcht Inf atchd
to 82nd
Abn Div
Capt John A. Breen S-2 Hq & Hq Co 508th
Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Adelard J. Chevalier Co E 175th Inf 29th
Inf Div
Cpl Francis J. Dunn Co C 505th Prcht Inf
82nd Abn Div
Sgt Ceyril M. Ellzey Co C 326th Abn Engr Bn
(C) 101st Abn Div
Pfc James A. Francis 1st Plt Co B 501st
Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
T/Sgt Stanley Gormisky Hq Co 1st Bn 12th Inf
4th Inf Div
Pfc Bille O. Green Hq Co 1st Bn 325th Gli
Inf 82nd Abn Div
Cpl Ray J. Hulbert Co C 505th Prcht Inf 82nd
Abn Div
Pfc Henry T. Isreals Jr. 2nd Inf Div
Pfc Kenneth G. Johnson Co H 506th Prcht Inf
atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pfc Kyle D. Karichkhoff Co B 401st Gli Inf
atchd to 325th Gli Inf 101st Abn Div
Pfc Kermit Long Co F 325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn
Pfc Conrad C. Mason Hq & Hq Btry 29th FA Bn
4th Inf Div
Pvt William A. Munroe Jr. Co G 507th Prcht
Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pfc Frank J. Novak Co G 22nd Inf 4th Inf Div
Pvt Ellsworth H. Onger Co D 501st Prcht Inf
atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pvt John L. Ponder 1st Plt Co F 507th Prcht
Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Andres E. Quintero 111th FA Bn 29th Inf
Pvt James P. Ruane Co I 501st Prcht Inf
atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pvt William N. Spiri Co K 47th Inf 9th Inf
Sgt Stanley E. Stevens Hq 1st Plt Co G 508th
Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pfc Joseph D. Toscano Co F 502nd Prcht Inf
101st Abn Div
S/Sgt Alfred D. Urwin 315th Inf 79th Inf Div
Pvt Adolpho F. Vargas 1st Plt Co G 508th
Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Cpl General U. Walker Co E 364th ERG
Pvt Robert L. Young 2nd Sq 2nd Plt Co I
506th Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
T/5 Adrian S. Zumbrunn 3422nd Ord Auto Maint
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Solider of the Day