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May 2020 Normandy Soldier of the Day

Pvt Donald E. Addison Co B 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Frank Bagdonas 2nd Sq 2nd Plt Co H 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nbd Abn Div

2nd Lt Robert L. Breedlove Co E 12th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pvt Foon G. Chin 2nd Sq 1st Plt Co B 307th Abn Engr Bn (C) 82nd Abn Div Killed in the Rauville area, and buried in the church cemetery.       Documentation

Sgt Luther F. Coyle 1st Plt Co D 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

S/Sgt David C. Dalton Hq & Hq Div 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Mateo Estrada 2nd Sq 3rd Plt Co B 307th Abn Engr Bn (C) 82nd Abn Div

T/5 John P. Furey AT Co 8th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pvt Devon O. Grahek Co A 506th Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

1st Lt Robert D. Huggins Co E 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Aniellio Intravia 329th Inf 83rd Inf Div

Pfc John R. Jancewiz Hq Co 2nd Bn 325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn Div

T/5 Rudolph Korvas Co F 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Pfc Leo J. Lecuyer Co H 506th Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Pvt Raymond Michalski Med Det A Co G 401st Gli Inf atchd to  325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt John H. Mittag Co B 1st Bn 401st Gli Inf 101st Abn Div

Pfc Albert S. Nagy Co E 47th Inf 9th Inf Div

Pvt James P. Nails Co I 358th Inf 90th Inf Div

Pfc Howard C. Obermiller Serv Co 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Harold J. Premo Hq Co 3rd Bn 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div was killed before reaching Graignes

Pfc Horace A. Quenneville 359th Inf 90th Inf Div

Sgt Jackson T. Ramsey Mortar Squad Leader 2nd Plt Co I 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Doyce F. Spruell Co D 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

1st Lt Phillip R. Stanhope Plt Ldr Hq 3rd Plt Co D 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

S/Sgt Melvin F. Thomas Co G 116th Inf 29th Inf Div

Pvt Benito B. Trevino Co G 8th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pfc Steve C. Uyhely 120th Inf 30th Inf Div

Cpl Kenneth A. Vaught Hq Co 1st Bn 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div Killed at the Airfield when a grenade went off in the Plane

Pfc Robert A. Worswick Co E 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Harry Young 120th Inf 30th Inf Div

T/3 Peter Zyhailo 3422nd Ord Auto Maint Co


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