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November 2018 Normandy Soldier of the Day

Pvt Lelan E. Allen 307th Abn Med Co 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Raymond L. Bachtal Co B 359th Inf 90th Inf Div

Pvt Joseph Ciemny Co A 506th Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Sgt George H. Clark Jr. Co D 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Ernest M. Dodd Co C 116th Inf 29th Inf Div

Pvt Fredrick M. Eads Co E 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Martin Fisher Co C 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

1st Lt Maurice E. Fitzgerald Co H 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Jimmie H. Goss Co G 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Sgt John R. Hall Co E 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

Pvt Clyde E. Isaacs Hq Co 3rd Bn 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Fred W. Jokimaki Co F 134th Inf 35th Inf Div

Pvt Eugene S. Kaufman Co A 501st Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div

Pvt Michael Labeck Co F 12th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pfc Royal E. Lennox Co A 60th Inf 9th Inf Div

Pvt Peter Massick Jr. Co H 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Joseph Morettini Co E 508th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Marlin Nasby Co F 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

Cpl Harry T. O'Hagan Co B 502nd Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div

Pvt Calvin C. Postma Co K 358th Inf 90th Inf Div

Pvt William F. Rhodes Co A 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Augustine F. Smola Co C 12th Inf 4th Inf Div

Pvt Peter E. Tabet Co G 401st Gli Inf atchd to  325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Francis R. Townsend Co C 325th Gli Inf 82nd Abn Div

Sgt Edward A. Urban Co E 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

Sgt Ramon B. Vigil Co H 507th Prcht Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div

Pvt Milton V. Wagner Co A 116th Inf 29th Inf Div

Pvt Peter V. Waitkus Co D 16th Inf 1st Inf Div

Pvt Lynmore L. York Co D 505th Prcht Inf 82nd Abn Div

Pfc Edward E. Zegaczewski Co B 115th Inf 29th Inf Div

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