June 2018 Normandy Soldier of the Day
Pvt David P. Alhadeff Co G 327th Gli Inf
101st Abn Div
T/4 Paul E. Bouchereau Med Det 508th Prcht
Inf atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pfc William J. Cowan Co H 116th Inf 29th Inf
Pvt Robert H. Cox Sr. Co F 12th Inf 4th Inf
2nd Lt Thomas B. Downey Co F 502nd Prcht Inf
101st Abn Div
Pfc Charles F. Edgar Co A 116th Inf 29th Inf
Pfc Arwillis E. Farver Co D 507th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Gerald E. Gandee Co M 359th Inf 90th Inf
Pfc John W. Hahn Co H 506th Prcht Inf atchd
to 101st
Abn Div
Pvt Charles H. Irish Co B 39th Inf 9th Inf
Pfc Herman L. Jaynes Co E 508th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pfc Daniel F. Koziel Co I 508th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pfc Stephan J. Kralj Co B 325th Gli Inf 82nd
Abn Div
Pfc William E. Little Co D 505th Prcht Inf
82nd Abn Div
T/5 James A. Machan Hq & Hq Co 2nd Ranger Bn
Pvt Roscoe P. Moyer Co E 60th Inf 9th Inf
Pfc William H. Muenster Co C 508th Prhct Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Gorden L. Nagel Co H 507th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt John Olah Jr. Co I 501st Prcht Inf atchd
to 101st
Abn Div
Pvt Phillip Pagliarulo Hq Co 3rd Bn 502nd
Prcht Inf 101st Abn Div
Pvt Wallace J. Remusat Co D 12th Inf 4th Inf
2nd Lt George E. Schmidt Co E 501st Prcht
Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pfc Delmont M. Spiker Co G 325th Gli Inf
82nd Abn Div
Pfc Richard G. Tanner Co H 508th Prcht Inf
atchd to 82nd Abn Div
Pvt Paul E. Thoman Hq & Hq Co Med Det 501st
Prcht Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pfc Vincent Tomczak Co C 115th Inf 29th Inf
Pvt Marvin R. Vanbuskirk Co C 501st Prcht
Inf atchd to 101st Abn Div
Pfc Charles C. Walker Hq & Hq Co 60th Inf
9th Inf Div
Pfc Donald Yoon Co F 508th Prcht Inf atchd
to 82nd
Abn Div
Pfc George A. Zaiser Co C 8th Inf 4th Inf
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Solider of the Day