Captain Simonds was the S-3
going into Normandy and Captain Graham was Hq Co 2nd
Bn Commander. On July 6, 1944 Hq Co 2nd
Bn of the 508th Prcht Inf was about to
resume the attack. Captain
Graham and Captain Simonds were about to lead Co D
and Co F into battle. Captain Graham said let’s
flip a coin to see who gets which Company. Captain Simonds picked heads and won. Simonds
picked Co D and Graham would lead Co F.
Graham said within 5 minutes a
runner came up to him and said that Captain Simonds
had been hit. Graham ran to Simonds side and knelt
down to hear him. Simonds said that a mortar
round got him in the back. Within a few
seconds Graham saw that Simonds had died. He said Simonds look
like it had been hit by a rake all down his back.
Captain Chet Graham was good
friends with Captain George Bill Simonds and never forgot
what happened that day on Hill .