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New Book, More Graignes Errors


Errors by Rabe

(The errors are highlighted in bold from his book)


Rabe, Stephen G.. The Lost Paratroopers of Normandy (p. 14). Cambridge University Press. Kindle Edition.

Headquarters Company, 3rd Battalion, 507th Regiment


Rabe shows his lack of military terminology as the correct listing would be Headquarters Company 3rd Battalion 507th Parachute Infantry not 507th Regiment.  Hard to believe a Historian would leave out both Parachute and Infantry.  Regiment is only be listed when said unit is not part of a Division.       


Rabe, Stephen G.. The Lost Paratroopers of Normandy (p. 101-102). Cambridge University Press. Kindle Edition

By the dawn of 13 June 1944, the 37th Regiment was finally in position to attack Carentan… Two battalions of the 38th Regiment were positioned further westward near Montmartin-en-Graignes.


The first sentence I read in his book was wrong.  Rabe makes the most basic mistakes, things like saying Montmartin-en-Graignes is west of Carentan when in fact it was east of Carentan.  Little things like this say a lot. 


Rabe, Stephen G.. The Lost Paratroopers of Normandy (p. 184). Cambridge University Press. Kindle Edition.

Some troopers in Headquarters Company may have had the misfortune to land in a drainage ditch and become entangled in their parachute gear.


Five men – Pvt. Allison T. Bliss, Private Robert W. Britton, Pvt. Harold J. Premo, Pfc. Stanley Pytel, and Pfc. George E. Tillett – from the company are listed as having been killed in action on 6 June 1944. 


None of those men were killed 6 June 1944.  There is detailed information on my site showing what happened to those men.  To think that a family member might read this at some point in the future is sad.  It’s frustrating when yet another book/article comes out about Graignes that is riddled with errors. 



Brian N. Siddall

July 18, 2023

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