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WWII Military Buried at the Normandy American Cemetery

These are the records for the men buried in the Normandy American Cemetery in Colleville-sur-Mer, France.  You can search all of this information.  Just put in the ASN for an example and if there it will go right to this record. 

From the line ASN to the Death Location Source line is from Military Records (and first hand accounts confirmed with Records) and from line Age to the Place of Final Cure Line is from the Surgeon General Office (SGO) which came from the Emergency Medical Tags (EMTs) reports. 

When the SGOs were created in the late 1960s from the EMTs roughly 80% of the Medical Records were created.  This means that 20% were not carried over.  That's why there aren't Medical Records for all 10931 buried in the Normandy American Cemetery. 


You will also see the following at times;  A second SGO.  This means the person was treated in the past.  There are men who were wounded and then returned to his unit but was killed later in combat.   


The 8855 records are here.  All I ask is that a Citation is done saying this came from EQS Press.  If you have questions feel free to reach out to, either by email or phone. 


(These were first offered to the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) years ago and they said they didn’t think that people cared about these records.  These were also offered to Ancestry back in 2012 and they didn’t care either)


Brian N. Siddall

May 29, 2022


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