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                                          The Company Morning Report
This is one of the most important reports that can be used in documenting a unit's history and a soldier's military career.  From the day soldier enters the unit until they leave everything is tracked here.  The day they arrive they are listed with name rank and serial number along with their Military Occupational Specialty as well as the unit they just came from.  If they are promoted, get leave, become sick are wounded or killed it is all listed here. 

From a unit standpoint this is report lists where the unit is located on the day the report is made, who the commanding officer is, how many men are in the unit at that time and the unit's effective strength.  Another notation on the Company Morning Report is the record of events.  In combat can list the unit's fighting history over the previous few days, how many men lost and where they were in combat. 

                                                   Payroll Records
Payroll records are another extremely valuable source of information about a soldier's history in a unit.  They exist to the end of 1943 and show the entire unit at the time the payroll record is made.  This shows the name, rank and serial number and payroll allotments which will show any relatives in the states and their address if they are receiving part of a soldier's pay.

                                                    Medical Records
Reports can also be obtained showing if and when a man received medical treatment for wounds or illness.  They will show the date of treatment, the unit treating them and the type of wound or illness.  These are also used to pinpoint where a soldier was at a given time period which is valuable when trying to determine a unit.

Past projects include the digitization of the 29th Infantry Divisions wartime morning reports and the digitization of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment Morning Reports from 1942-May 1945.  If you are interested in finding out more about a soldier's service or documenting an entire Division's history please contact us by phone or e-mail.    Here is a sample you can download of morning reports and payroll records  Morning Reports Download

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