Past Bastogne Articles Here

Past Bastogne Articles Here
Angus, David G.
504 Pvt
Dy to KIA 19 Dec 4436462330
Cummings, Harry L.
675 Pvt
Kenny, Joseph T. 651 S/Sgt
Marvelli, Melvin 745 Pvt
(bat cas) Above 3 EM dy to hosp LD LWA
20 Dec 44 reld fr asgd & atchd unasgd
Maines, Davdi P.
504 Pfc
Dy to hosp LD LWA 19 Dec 44 reld
fr asgd & atchd unasgd (battle casualty)
S/Sgt - Staff Sergeant
Pfc - Private First Class
Pvt - Private
Dy - Duty
KIA - Killed in Action
bat cas - Battle Casualty
EM - Enlisted Men
hosp - Hospital
LD - Line of Duty
LWA - Lightly Wounded in Actions
Dec 44 - December 1944
reld - relived
fr - from
asgd - assigned
unasgd - unassigned
MOS (Military Operation Specialty)
504 - Ammunition Handler
675 - Messenger
651 - Platoon Sergeant
745 - Rifleman