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Letters Home From a Hq Co 1st Bn 501st Soldier in WWII

(Back to the 1942, 1943 & 1944 Jimmie Millcan Letters)

January 8, 1944

February 7, 1944

February 8, 1944

February 9, 1944

February 10, 1944

February 12, 1944

February 13, 1944

February 23, 1944

February 26, 1944

March 8, 1944

March 11, 1944

March 19, 1944

March 21, 1944

April 3, 1944

April 4, 1944

April 5, 1944

April 8, 1944

April 10, 1944

April 16, 1944

April 17, 1944

April 20, 1944

May 13, 1944

May 17, 1944

May 18, 1944

May 23, 1944

May 24, 1944

June 3, 1944 (last letter home)

June 4, 1944 (from his father)

June 8, 1944 (Missing in Action Telegram)

July 8, 1944 (Missing in Action Letter to Jimmie's Mother)

October 9, 1944 (Another Letter to Jimmie's Mother)

October 15, 1944 (Killed in Action Telegram)

October 17, 1944 (Another Letter to Jimmie's Mother about his death)

October 26, 1944 (Another Letter to Jimmie's Mother about his death)

January 1945 (Purple Heart Award Given December 16, 1944 Arrived Part 1)

January 1945 (Purple Heart Award Given December 16, 1944 Arrived Part 2)

January 19, 1945 (Another Letter to Jimmie's Mother about his death)

January 26, 1945 (Letter from Army about his personal effects)

June 22, 1945 (Letter from Army about his personal effects)

January 15, 1948 (Letter from Army about the disposal of his remains)

April 21, 1948 (Letter from the American Red Cross)

October 4, 1948 (Letter from Army about the disposal of his remains Part 1)

October 4, 1948 (Letter from Army about the disposal of his remains Part 2)

October 6, 1948 (Letter from the American Legion about the disposal of his remains)

October 6, 1948 (Letter concerning disposal of remains from the Army via Western Union)

November 6, 1948 (Letter concerning Jimmie's Funeral via Western Union)

November 7, 1948 (Letter concerning Jimmie's Funeral via Western Union)

January 29, 1952

The End


(Back to the 1942, 1943 & 1944 Jimmie Millcan Letters)


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