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The (Next To) Last Piece of the Puzzle for the House Family

July 20, 2016 Michael House first became aware of his father’s bible and the House family reached out to the TGMoH (The Gettysburg Museum of History).  The next day July 21, 2016 Erik Dorr the owner of the TGMoH said that the family threatened and bullied him. 

It was the TGMoH who went after the family.  The TGMoH lawyer Mark Zaid told the House family that the TGMoH had purchased it overseas and that the TGMoH paid $3,500.00 for the Bible.  Well of course we knew last year that the TGMoH purchased the bible from DeHays.

We knew that TGMoH bought the bible directly from Dehays as Bando stated in last year’s article.  They returned it after NARA told them of the stolen merchandise.  What we didn’t know was what the TGMoH actually paid for the bible.  The TGMoH lawyer as mentioned above said they paid $3,500.00

I had a feeling that the TGMoH didn’t pay $3,500.00 for the bible.  A FOIA request was submitted to the NARA Office of Inspector General (OIG) asking what price was paid for the bible. 

April 29, 2019 I received an answer to said FOIA request.  Here is the response from the NARA OIG;

The records at the OIG indicate the Bible was sold for $1250 by the subject of the investigation.”

Dorr said he paid thousands for the bible and his lawyer Mark Zaid said TGMoH paid $3,500.00 and told the family that.  I’m not an expert on math but I think that $3,300.00 is $2,050.00 more than the $1,250.00 than the OIG and the DOJ said that DeHays sold it for.

Bando said that the family never owned the bible.  Pfc House was given the bible from his Church before going overseas.  You can see extensive family information in the bible as well.  For Bando to say the family never owned the bible is an out right lie.  Bando said that Dorr “donated” the bible back to NARA.  You can’t donate stolen property.  The TGMoH had no choice in this matter. 

Shaking down a 4 Generation Gold Star family is the ultimate in Stolen Valor. 

Brian N. Siddall
April 30, 2019



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