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The Hauptfleisch Letters

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Captain Louis A. Hauptfleisch sent 343 letters home in WWII.  He became an Officer in the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment. The 504th was organic to the 82nd Airborne Division.  His first letter was December 24, 1941 and the last was March 4, 1945. 

Letters Home between 1941-1945

April 2, 1945


Letters Home between 1941-1945

Louis Hauptfleisch joined the Army in 1941 as a 2nd Lieutenant and eventually rose to the rank of Captain.  Captain Hauptfleisch became the Adjutant Officer (S-1) for the entire 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment.  The Adjutant was and still is the Administrative part of a unit.  When you look at letters home from overseas during WWII you will see that a Censor had to first read it.  In a Company it was done by an Officer.  Same at Battalion level even up to Regimental level.

Because Hauptfleisch was an Officer first in Company F of the 504th Parachute Infantry he and his fellow Officers would self-censor their own letters home.  So in a way these letters were unvarnished to a degree.        

Captain Hauptfleisch was a prolific writer and not just wrote but typed as well when he had the time.  This is an interesting read at times as the 504th Parachute Infantry from Africa through Germany.



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