Order Boots and Wings The 507th
Parachute Infantry's Regimental
NewspaperEQS Press is proud to
announce the release of the 507th
Parachute Infantry's Regimental
Newspaper Boots and Wings in book
form. This book is 240 pages
that includes 223 pages of Boots and
Wings and a 15 page index that
contains 1919 names that are
mentioned throughout this
publication's history.
Boots and Wings was the 507th's
Newspaper from November November 1,
1942 through September 30, 1943.
This book will also contain two
bonus issues that came out after the
war in Germany. There are a
total of 20 issues covering 223
pages, with everything from the
infamous Denver Jump and down to
company level and who was out late
enjoying the Alliance Nightlife.
The release date is July 31st 2007.
The price is 49.99 plus s&h.
Order the 507th
The Complete Rosters
Contained in these pages are the
jump rosters for the entire 507th
Prcht Inf and the Air Corps crews who flew
them, for Operation Neptune and
Operation Varsity. These are their
rosters for the Jumps into France
and Germany. Also, I have
included a Provisional Roster for
the Battle of the Bulge campaign
that contains 2435 names.
Neptune portion contains 120 rosters
total, 3 Pathfinder Sticks from The
North Witham Airfield, 72 Sticks
from the Barkston Heath Airfield,
and 45 Sticks from the Fulbeck
Airfield. These were designated
Serials 6 from North Witham, 24 & 25
from Barkston Heath and Serial 26
from Fulbeck. The Varsity portion
contains 136 jump rosters for
serials 1,2 and 3 from airfields
outside of Paris. The release
date is July 31st 2007. The
price is 49.99 plus 5.95 for s&h.
As a bonus this link was the Forward
to the Operation Varsity Book in
Varsity Forward |