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Explanation for the wearing of the Bronze Service Star during WWII

All Personnel in a unit were entitled to wear the European-African–Middle Eastern Campaign Medal (EAME) for WWII that was in the Europe, Africa or the Middle East location.

The criteria for wearing a Bronze Service Star on the EAME are as follows; a unit in a geographic location during a specific time period is entitled to wear a Bronze Service Star.  A unit doesn’t have to be in combat to be awarded a Bronze Service Star. 

Here is an example:  Units that were in the Rhineland Campaign between September 15, 1944 and March 21, 1945 were entitled to wear a Bronze Service Star for that Campaign.  If a unit was posted to Paris, France March 20, 1945 they are just as entitled to wear a Bronze Service Star for the Rhineland Campaign as someone who was in combat September 17, 1944 in Operation Market Garden.  Combat has no bearing on the EAME and Bronze Service Stars.   

The men of the 515th Parachute Infantry Regiment were entitled to wear the European-African–Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and 2 Bronze Service Stars on their EAME for WWII.

The 515th Parachute Infantry Regiment first Bronze Service Star was for the Rhineland Campaign when they stepped of the ship at La Harve, France in early February 1945. 

The 515th Parachute Infantry Regiment second Bronze Service Star was for the Central Europe Campaign while in reserve at the marshalling areas of Poix and Boves, France in early April 1945.  

They were alerted for Operation Effective but this was cancelled when the Seventh Army’s overran the 515th Parachute Infantry Regiment’s Drop Zone south of Stuttgart.

The Central Europe Campaign entitled a unit to wear a Bronze Service Star if they were in Germany.  There is exception for the Bronze Service Star. 

When a unit is held in reserve for a Campaign even if they aren’t located in the geographical location they are entitled to wear a Bronze Service Star for that Campaign.  The 515th Parachute Infantry Regiment was held in reserve during the Central Europe Campaign.  Even though the 515th never entered into Germany they were entitled to wear the Bronze Service Star for the Central Europe Campaign as well. 


Brian Siddall
November 11, 2019


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