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Arlington National Cemetery management is poor. Below is a letter I have just sent to ANC. The images of letters show clearly that Durning is not allowed to have the two Awards on his Headstone. Yet Yates refuses to change it. The question as always is why?

To Yates,

The last word of Awards and Decorations is the Awards and Decorations Branch. Durning is not allowed to either wear or have on his Headstone either the Silver Start or Bronze Star.

I have included letters from both NARA at St. Louis and the Awards and Decorations Branch at Human Resources Command at Kentucky saying the exact opposite of what you say below November 16, 2015.

You stated the following;

“The information currently reflected on his headstone at Arlington National Cemetery is substantiated by authoritative documentation on file

This means one of two things, that Durning’s Headstone was changed within the past few weeks (as someone took a picture of Durning’s Headstone and it still said Silver and Bronze Star) or that you are incompetent at your job. Which is it?

Charles Durning Headstone is only allowed to have the Purple Heart on his Headstone, not the Silver or Bronze Star Medals. The Army has now twice said that (NARA and HRC Letters) and yet you personal refuse to correct this injustice.

I am sending this ahead to the Secretary of the Army.

Brian N. Siddall

November 25, 2015



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